Dr. Andrei Dumitrescu

Medic Primar Urologie

Centrul Medical Anastasios Cluj-Napoca

Dr. Andrei Dumitrescu - medic primar urologie

Făcând parte dintr-o familie de medici și auzind în majoritatea timpului de problemele medicale ale oamenilor, am dezvoltat o sensibilitate față de aceștia. Astfel, în momentul în care a trebuit să iau o decizie cu privire la viitorul meu, m-am hotărât să mă îndrept spre această ramură.

Am studiat medicină în Sibiu la Universitatea ULBS Facultatea de Medicină Victor Papilian și rezidențiatul l-am urmat în Cluj Napoca la Spitalul Clinic Municipal sub îndrumarea Prof. Dr. Coman Ioan. Lucrul care m-a marcat cel mai mult în această perioada a fost în momentul în care am cunoscut chirurgia robotică.

Lucrări științifice:

  • Ductal adenocarcinoma: pathological characteristics and oncologic outcomes after robotic assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy; Andrei Dumitrescu, Iulia Pop, T. Botezan, N. Crișan, I. Coman – The Romanian Urology Magazine vol 13 (2) 2014
  • Overall experience in robot-assisted urologic surgery; T. Botezan, C.D. Pop, Andrei Dumitrescu, Iulia Pop, N. Crișan, I. Coman – The Romanian Urology Magazine vol 13 (2) 2014
  • 2D laparoscopic enucleoresection through retroperitoneal approach for left kidney tumor – Andrei Dumitrescu, D.L. Grad, T. Botezan, F. Dobrotă, N. Crișan, I. Coman Cluj Napoca Clinical Hospital – The Romanian Urology Magazine vol 15 (2) /2016

Participări congrese:

  • Certificate of Attendance 32nd Annual EAU Congress London, London, United Kingdom From 24-Mar-2017 to 28-Mar-2017
  • Certificate of Attendance 14th Meeting of the EAU Section of Oncological Urology (ESOU), Barcelona, Spain, From 20 – 22 Jan 2017
  • Certificate of Attendance 14th European Urology Residents Education Programme, Prague, Czech Republic, From 2-Sep-2016 to 7-Sep-2016
  • Certificate of Attendance – Olympus Hands-On-Training dry lab course on transuretheral resection (TUR) during the 14th European Urology Residents Education Program, Prague, Czech Republic, 2-7 Sept 2016
  • Certificate of Attendance – Olympus Hands-On-Training dry lab course on laparoscopy during the 14th European Urology Residents Education Program, Prague, Czech Republic, 2-7 Sept 2016
  • Certificate of Attendance 31st Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology, Munich, Germany; From 11-Mar-2016 to 15-Mar-2016
  • Certificate of Attendance 30th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology, Madrid, Spain; From 20-Mar-2015 to 24-Mar-2015
  • Certificate of Attendance – Office management of male sexual dysfunction at the time of the 30th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology, Madrid, Spain, 20-24 March 2015
  • Certificate of Attendance 29th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Certificate of Attendance – Nerve-sparing cystectomy and orthotopic bladder substitution – Surgical Tricks and management of complications at the time of the 29th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology, Stockholm, Sweden, 11-15 April 2014
  • Certificate of Attendance Summer school for Urology Doctors, Rasnov, Romania, 18-21 Jun 2014
  • Certificate of Attendance 2nd Symposium of Pediatric Urology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 5-7 Jun 2014 13.Certificate of Attendance 30th Annual Congress of the Romanian Association Of Urology, Bucharest, Romania; 7-10 May 2014
  • Certificate of Attendance the International Conference on Urology, Gynecology and Urogynecology, Oradea, Romania, 14-17 Nov 2013
  • Certificate of Attendance the International Conference on Urology, Gynecology and Urogynecology, Oradea, Romania, 13-16 Nov 2014
  • Certificate of Attendance NetPC Meeting: Advance Therapies for Advance Prostate Cancer, Sibiu, Romania, 3-5 March 2017
  • Course for prostate biopsy and robotic radical prostatectomy, organised by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Iuliu Hatieganu”, November 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Certificate of Attendance – Advanced Urological 2D and 3D Laparoscopy Course for Upper Urinary Tract, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 29.06-02.07.2016
  • Certificate of Attendance –Incontinence Surgery in Woman, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2-4 Nov 2016
  • Certificate of Attendance – High Risk Prostate Cancer and Male Infertility, Bucharest, Romania, 10 Jun 2016
  • Certificate of Attendance – Transrectal and Transperineal Prostatic Biopsy Course, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 25-27 Apr 2016
  • Certificate of Attendance – Echoguided Prostate Biopsy Course, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 25-28 April 2017
  • Certificate of Attendance- 32nd Annual Congress of the Romanian Association Of Urology, Bucharest, Romania; 8-11 Jun 2016
  • Certificate of Attendance – Urology Days Satu Mare, Satu Mare, Romania, 2-4June 2016
  • Certificate of Attendance – Advanced Urological 2D and 3D Laparoscopy Course for Upper Urinary Tract, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 29.03-01.04.2016
  • Certificate of Attendance – Prostate Biopsy, Laparoscopic and Robotic Prostatectomy Course, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 13-18 Nov 2013
  • Certificate of Attendance – News in the Treatment of Pain and Prostate Adenom, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 30 Oct 2013
  • Certificate of Attendance – Urology Days Satu Mare, Satu Mare, Romania, 27-29 June 2013
  • Certificate of Attendance – ESU Course on the Place and Role of Lymphadenectomy in Urologic Cancers, Bucharest, Romania, 17 May 2013
  • Certificate of Attendance – 29th Annual Congress of the Romanian Association Of Urology, Bucharest, Romania; 15-18 May 2013
  • Certificate of Attendance – The International Conference: Progress in Uro-Oncology 4th edition, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 25-28 Sept 2012


  • Litotriție extracorporeală – ESWL
  • Ultrasonografie generală

Peste 10000 de pacienți consultați, peste 500 de intervenții chirurgicale (intervenții clasice, laparoscopiceși robotice)

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0771 547 033

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